Throughout the discussion of the tabernacle you have the ancient measurement of the cubit. What's a cubit? It is the length from one's elbow to the end of the middle finger. So the length of a cubit depends on whose arm you're talking about and what time in history (on my arm it's 21 inches). For instance the Jewish cubit in the time of Moses tended to be about 16.5 inches, but the Roman one in Jesus' time was about 18 inches. It's like asking how many hands tall a horse is. Surely, there were tools that gave a more dependable measure. For our purposes a yard would be two cubits.
Time or space does not allow for a detailed discussion of the tabernacle. But the picture above of the surrounding tents with a tabernacle in the middle gives an informative portrayal of what Israel would have looked like as it migrated through the Sinai peninsula. Chapter 27 gives further instructions for the tabernacle, including the altar, the surrounding courtyard, and the oil for the lampstand.
We have the outfit of the priest described in chapter 28 (pictured above): including an ephod, a breastplate, collar, etc. No doubt, this is the predecessor to ministerial robes. One cannot help but be impressed by the detail that is given. The priest will be mediating the forgiveness of God for the people, so his role is crucial in the life of Israel. The consecration and anointing of the priests happens in chapter 29. Again, notice the detail and also the role of blood sacrifice, which is central to the office of priest. Aaron's garments are to be kept for ordination purposes when he dies. Aaron's sons, regrettably will not live up to the dedication of their father, two of them dying when they are careless at the altar of the Lord (Numbers 3:1-4).
With the instructions on the altar of incense in chapter 30, we start to get a picture that's been drawn for a while now, of God's passion that the people keep their relationship with a God who is holy. The provision for forgiveness and cleansing of the people is continuous, with daily offerings, basins for the cleansing of the feet of Aaron and his sons, rites of atonement, anointing oil for the tent of meeting and ark of the covenant, etc. Even the census that is a "ransom for life", is a statement of atonement for sin. For teaching purposes, you might want to ask how our own purity of mind, heart and actions is guarded and how people are cleansed in today's worship. The students will likely mention prayers of confession in communion services or at special times during the year. Others might say that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross took care of all of this. Yet people often are stuck in their brokeness and a sense that they do not feel cleansed or forgiven. The rites may have been eclipsed, but the need for cleansing and holiness personally, as families, as the church and as communities and nations remains.
As I read this material, I continue to be fascinated by how much the worship and structure of the church is rooted in the Old Testament. In chapter 31, Bezalel and Oboliah are chosen and filled with God's Spirit for craftmanship. In some ways, the building committees and trustees have their roots here. Both of those groups do more than build and repair things, but Exodus teaches us that the ability to do those things is a God-given gift, as surely as preaching, teaching, and healing. This chapter finishes with strong commandments about Sabbath keeping. Violations of the Sabbath are capital crimes. We can be glad that we no longer under such a covenant, but our failure to follow Sabbath rhythm does take years from our life and quality out of our work and relationships.
Chapter 32 is one of the pivotal chapters in Jewish history. While Moses is receiving the law and its instructions that will help Israel maintain its sense of identity and relationship with God amidst other nations that follow other gods, the people have persuaded Aaron to help them fashion an idol of those very nations - a golden calf. Most of the time, these idols of Ba'al were fertility related with exaggerated sexual parts on the animals. As part of the fertility rites the people would party hearty and participate in sexually explicit behavior. This nomadic people take what precious little they have and fashion something that cannot answer their prayers or do anything for them. It is not just an event in Israel's history, it is archetypal, a symbol of the entire history of Israel, and I would argue of humankind. We fall into worshipping the gods of the society around us. Moses in anger breaks the stone tablets. The confrontation with Aaron is interesting. "Moses, they brought their gold and jewelry and out came this golden calf." Is that a study in human nature or what? The Levites slaughter about 3,000 people under the order of Moses. From then on the Levites would be the tribe that have responsibilities for the worship of the Lord.
Our reading ends in chapters 33 & 34 with a revelation and a redoing of the ten commandments. It's really no surprise (though certainly presumptuous and bold) for Moses to ask for a revelation of God's presence. The receiving of the commands and the horrendous event would have created such a need for assurance. God promises to hide Moses in the cleft of the rock while God's presence comes by. He cannot see God's face, but he will get to see God's back. Woven in this part of the story is Moses use of the Tent of Meeting, which was "outside the camp." There Moses would meet with God and the people would see the cloud come down on the tent. We know from the instructions already given to Moses that the presence of God will now move the middle of the camp in the tabernacle, where "the tent of meeting" will be relocated.
Moses returns from the mountain and his face is shining from his encounter with God. From then on, Moses put a veil on before speaking to the Lord, take it off while speaking with Him, and then put the veil back on before he visited with the people. Paul's second letter to the Corinthians (chapter 3) reinterprets this for discussion of the new covenant in Jesus Christ.
I was in a Bible study on the building of the Tabernacle years ago where I learned that the materials used in the building were all symbolic. I have been trying to find my notes, but was unsuccessful. What I think I remember is that the acacia wood symbolized the humanity of Christ and the gold was for the deity of Christ. Each of the colors - blue, purple and scarlet, stood for something, the skins used for the inner curtain had symbolism. As you can see, my memory is not too good here, but I remember that it made an impact on me at the time...do you have any sources that point to this?
I have heard that many were blessed by that study. If you have the source, I would love to see the outline. For Christians, it seems best to study the Exodus tabernacle in combination with the book of Hebrews. I am usually very cautious about saying that the Old Testament pointed to Christ. From reading the New Testament writers, what is more often the case (especially with Matthew and Paul) is that they read in the Old Testament (the only Bible they had) and saw Jesus there. The prophets were not future tellers, but rather people who proclaimed the word of God with special force and application. One major caveat here: I have not done a lot of personal study on the Tabernacle. I just have watched Christian interpreters over-Christianize the Old Testament. The biggest offenders are those who do that with the Passover.
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