Thursday, November 05, 2009

God Calling

Luke 6:12-19
We are now to the point of our study together when we should be asking some important questions. How has God worked in my life and what do I have to offer? In what way and where is God calling me to be in ministry? Today's reading includes the listing of the disciples. Are you ready to place your name there?

I think the movies and childhood Sunday School have made the choosing process by Jesus too simple. I grew up thinking the reason they followed him was because they couldn't resist his appeal and power. I didn't hear about Jesus praying all night praying before he made his choice? I didn't hear that some of the disciples struggled with following him. The gospels can come across so immediate. But what if Jesus spent a lot of time (weeks and maybe months) with prospective disciples before he chose the twelve (building relationships, talking about life and about faith in God). We know from other passages that not all twelve were chosen at the same time. This listing of disciples is a summary statement. How has God been working in your life to bring you to this point in your walk with Him?

The picture of Jesus' miracles in verses 17-19 seems so very natural. Compare this to the emotional buildup that is often present at prayer meetings, worship services and crusades. The gospels are clear that the root of Jesus' power to heal was his deeply felt compassion for the people. Jesus went where the hurting people were, saw and heard their need, and offered compassion and healing. The disciples were given the same agenda, and so have we.

The hit song for Back to the Future was "The Power of Love." The people felt the power coming from Jesus. There is a power that operates in and through us when we have Spirit-filled compassion. The old adage is "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." As you share of yourself in the name of Christ this week, may you be filled with the power of love. Who knows? You might see a miracle or two, or maybe just the early beginning of one.

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