Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Gospel of John - Introduction

As we read the gospel of John together, we discover a unique picture of Jesus. Some of the miracles of Jesus discussed here are not talked about in the other gospels (egs. the marriage at Cana, the healing of the man born blind, the resurrection of Lazarus). Those that are discussed in "the synoptics" (Matthew, Mark and Luke) are handled quite differently with different people and things emphasized (most dramatically in the feeding of the 5,000). You will soon notice that John tells the miracles with an agenda. For John, the miracles each had a larger meaning and in many cases, became a point of controversy with Jesus' opponents. There are times when John's gospel seems plain combative, which seems quite appropriate for John, who along with his brother James, were named "the sons of Thunder" by Jesus for their competitive and ambitious ways. John's loyal yet competitive nature shows throughout the gospel.

This gospel is also intensely personal at times. You will not find the "Sermon on the Mount" here or copious quotes from the Old Testament (like Matthew) or the social championing for the least and lost (like Luke) or the rapid fire "just the facts" description of teaching and events (like Mark, who might well have been a ghost writer for Peter). Instead it is a gospel that highlights the interaction of particular individuals with Jesus (Mary at the marriage, Nicodemus - a Pharisee yet closet follower of Jesus, the little boy at the feeding of the 5,000, etc).

It is also more personal in that it shows more of the emotional side of Jesus. John is known as "the beloved disciple" and even describes himself as the one whom Jesus loved. Many scholars think that John was the youngest of the disciples and that the writing of this gospel is some 15 to 25 years later than the other gospels. There is a certain passion in this gospel that is undeniable.

The purpose of John's gospel is stated clearly near the end of his gospel, in what many scholars consider to be the ending John intended,
"Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."
Life through faith in Jesus the Christ is the heartbeat of this gospel. My prayer is that as we share in this study together our our faith and love for Christ will grow and that we will find ourselves more fully alive.

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